2018年7月6日國震中心與臺大土木系正式簽訂MOU,成立國震中心與臺大土木合設AI 中心,由黃世建主任、謝尚賢主任與陳俊杉教授共同創辦。AI中心的願景是成為台灣第一、全球領先的卓越研究中心,透過與土木相關產業的積極合作,發展先進的AI 技術,提升土木相關產業的核心競爭力。草創的經營團隊成員包含了韓仁毓教授、陳伯華副教授、張書瑋助理教授 以及張家銘助理教授,成員的研究領域涵蓋結構、交通、水利、空間資訊、材料、生醫等。
結合中心各位教授的專業項目,近年來極力將人工智慧技術導入工程領域範疇中,期望以人工智慧強大的運算技術將工程帶向智慧化的領域,同時也能招收有潛力的博士生共同參與相關議題之研發, 以提高未來整合應用性與實際應用效益。
In July 6th, 2018, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) has officially in MOU contract with NTUCE to co-establish AI Center, with the cooperation of chairman Dr. Shyh-Jiann Hwang, chairman Dr. Shang-Hsien (Patrick) Hsieh and Dr. Chuin-Shan (David) Chen. AI Center anticipates becoming leading research center in Taiwan and worldwide. Through great cooperation with Civil Engineering industry, AI Center enjoys cutting-edge AI technique and has developed core competitiveness in the industry. Original founding members include Dr. Jen-Yu Han, Dr. Albert Chen, Dr. Shu-Wei Chang and Dr. Chia-Ming Chang, whose research areas cover up Structural, Traffic and Transportation,Spatial Informative, Material and Bio-Medical Engineering, and more.
By utilizing high-speed calculation and AI into the field of smart industry, we also look forward to working with potential Ph.D. student in relative issues of smart engineering to enhance the integrity of smart engineering and increase the efficiency in application.
人類邁入資訊時代後,由於資訊工具急速演進,各行各業皆受到相當大的衝擊,工程界亦不例外。近年來,國際上正興起BIM(Building Information Modeling)技術應用之風潮,企圖充分運用資訊科技的優勢,大舉改革傳統的工程作業方式,雖然引用順利的話,會帶來前所未有的成功效果,但從傳統方 式走向全新的做法,中間需要我輩工程師與資訊專業人員努力的地方仍多,尤其在配套的資訊技術研發與人員教育訓練方面。因此,國立臺灣大學土木工程學系乃成 立「工程資訊模擬與管理研究中心」(Research Center for Building & Infrastructure Information Modeling and Management,簡稱BIM研究中心),以順應國際潮流及回應產業之需求,企圖提供一個能結合技術研發、教育訓練、產業服務、與應用推廣的服務平 台,以利BIM相關技術與應用之經驗交流、成果分享、人才培訓、與產官學研之合作。
Since the day of its establishment, September 3, 2009, the Research Center for Building and Infrastructure Information Modeling and Management at National Taiwan University (NTU BIM Center) has been promoting BIM education and technology in the academia and industry, and serving as a crucial hub for facilitating digital transformation in the construction industry.
The Center not only promotes BIM applications but also works closely with the industry and government sectors to research and develop BIM and AI-related technologies for real-world projects, and trains professional personnel for the jobs needing BIM-enabled digital transformation.
The Center’s mission is multifaceted. Along with advancing BIM technology in the industry and nurturing a new generation of professionals, the Center sees the world is now in need more than ever for sustainable solutions, and is aligning its goals to collaborate with academic institutes, government agencies, and private companies to accelerate the digital transformation of construction industry for more sustainable built environment. Our vision is to lead a more efficient, sustainable, and technologically enriched future for the construction industry, setting a global benchmark in the field. Through our innovative research and comprehensive training programs, the Center continues to be a cornerstone in the evolution of AEC practices.